Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter Wonder Ball 2012.....

....was the theme of our homeschool group's family dance and it gave us a reason to dress up and head out for the evening!!!

It's fun to find a perfect coat for the festivities....
(which was found in the hall closet....waiting to be worn again after Buttercup outgrew it!)

One particular girl wore a smile all evening long....

.....and I do believe it had to do something with a.....




...Moe and Coco had some pretty fancy steps to their dance!

Nacho had a few moves of his own... he very naturally took the lead....

...and danced...


....for the whole song!!

The theme was perfect for the evening...
it was wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Nacho had a few moves of his own...

    Dying laughing!

    You made my Monday!

