Happy Baptisimal Birthday, Teagan!
I remember coming all the way to North Dakota to meet you for the first time and I remember bits and pieces of that special Sunday.
I remember standing beside your parents at the altar and seeing the water being poured on your head.
I remember the very yummy hotdish that your mom and grandma made for us to eat at your party.....and I remember that there was an orange jello salad that I really liked, too.
I remember it being your Grandma Ellen's birthday.
I remember a football game going on in the background at your house, but I don't remember who was playing or who won.
I remember a football game going on in the background at your house, but I don't remember who was playing or who won.
I remember everyone passing you around and wanting to hold you.........but, I especially remember the loving look that your parents had for you when you were in their arms.
Blessings on your day!
This is a special blog Sara - well done