Welcome to Prarie Pi. This blog exists to journal and document the memories that our family experiences. Pi is "an amount of type that has been jumbled or thrown together at random." We hope to assemble in words and pictures the daily thoughts and activities that happen in our household. We do this to help those that are distant from us get a glimpse into our days so that the miles that separate us won't keep us apart.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November Visit

We enjoyed our visit with Grandpa and Grandma.

Not only did we celebrate a belated birthday...

but we celebrated an early birthday, too.
Coco will be 1 next week and she had fun opening her present to see......

what was inside.

She was delighted with her new, pink stuffed bunny......

and looked bright and fun in her new outfit!!

One night, we had a Yahtzee show-down.....a night that went by all too fast......as they all tend to do when were are spending time with those that are dear to us.

Grandpa and Grandma left for home yesterday......Dad gave them last minute directions ......which must have been pretty good because they called last night and they made it home safely.
We miss them and there are subtle reminders of their visit spread throughout the house....
a pink bunny sitting lop-sided on the couch...
South Dakota potatoes on the menu for supper tonight....
deck door windows that sparkle as we walk by them....
Reminders that fill us with thankfulness...
Thankful for the gift of grandparents!!!
We love you!
Have fun playing "Hand and Foot" today!!
That'll be the next game-night.......we look forward to you teaching the kids at Christmas!!

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